Need help to make life in your office more fun? Not everyone can be working in a 8th story office with views of London Bridge to help the day pass by! Studies show that a pleasant work environment contributes to the productivity and efficiency of your staff, as well as to their creativity and problem-solving skills.
Furthermore, breaking up the workday with some new activities that get people interacting with each other on a different level has many benefits for any company. It fosters team-building and creativity, as well as improving concentration and performance when people go back to work.
While many factors play a role in overall employees' happiness, there are many ways that a workplace can be made more fun – not just happier. The following ideas are worth considering. Check them out!
Theme days
Choose a show, movie, or game that many employees like, and dedicate a day to it. From an ease-of-work and increase-in-participation perspective, it would be helpful if these themes are a little bit more real-world. It is better not to involve outlandish costumes (unless your team loves those costumes). A Game of Thrones or Marvel superhero day might be an excellent idea, but not so easy to implement in the workplace. But if your staff loves James Bond, pirates, or The Big Lebowski, dedicate a day to it. Encourage your team to dress up and adopt the role for the day. If you want to go all the way, you could decorate the office and serve drinks or food to go with the theme.
Funny channel/list
Start an email list or chat channel dedicated to humor. Everyone enjoys funny pictures or quick reads, but it is helpful to keep it in a dedicated channel rather than cluttering up routine business communications. Thus, everyone will have the opportunity to tune in and get a little laugh throughout the day.
Office Olympics
It is effortless and quick to stage office chair races, eating contests, broomstick limbo competitions, or even just fast dance breaks to a fun song. Try to get people up and out of their seats for a while, interacting with each other on a different level. These activities are even more fun if you create a silly trophy that can be passed around.
Getting a foosball or tennis table, massage chairs, or games like chess or monopoly is another way to make your office a more pleasant place for your employees and thus, improve your business operations.
When introducing fun activities into your office space los angeles, be mindful of your employees and your office culture. Be attentive to what they have time for, what they like, and what they're likely to participate in. After all, an office event is like a party, and you want everyone to come and have a good time. Try to keep some events spontaneous and straightforward, while others can be more elaborate or expensive. Encourage people to have their own ideas and break up the workday with fun on their own. With attention to the culture you have and the culture you're trying to create, you can have a workplace that balances fun with productivity, creating more engaged, happier, and more creative employees.
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