Selling your home online is becoming one of the ever increasingly popular methods of property transaction. There’s no question as to why either. It tends to be cheaper than traditional estate agent fees, it’s usually cheaper, and because it’s a platform that reaches far and wide, you’re likely to find more buyers for the property in question and ultimately get it off the market quicker. However, selling online, particularly something as large scale as property is completely new territory for a lot of people, so it can be difficult to know where to start. If you’ve recently found yourself in this predicament, or whether you’re simply weighing up different options, here are some top tips for selling your house online.
Do Your Research
Your home is more than likely your greatest asset, and potentially the biggest thing you’re likely to sell on in your lifetime. Therefore, you don’t want to put the selling of your property in the hands of just anybody – you need to find a company with a good reputation. There are so many companies online out there, from quick sale companies such as Ready Steady Sell, to well known online estate agents. There really is an abundance of different options to choose from.
However, be sure to do your research, and find out what’s right for you. For example, different online estate agents offer different packages, so depending on what it is you’re looking for, you should be able to find a package that suits you – all it takes is a little bit of research. Likewise, there is an abundance of open online review websites for you to take a look at, where people will share their experiences with various companies throughout the property selling process. Although a lot of companies have a review section on their own website, it’s so important to remember that they pick and choose what reviews they actually publish on there. Therefore, they’re hardly likely to post negative reviews, are they? It’s important to be mindful of sources as well as companies. Only by doing thorough research will you get the full idea of how a company works, and what it’s like.
Make Sure the Photographs are Good
This is one of THE most important things when it comes to advertising your property online. The photographs that you post of the property you’re selling are actually the first time a lot of potential buyers will see it. Therefore, this makes it their first impression, and it’s absolutely right that first impressions count – especially in the property market.
Good and bad photographs can be the difference between potential buyers being interested and requesting a viewing of your home, and simply scrolling past it and not giving it a second thought. Ultimately, that means it can be the difference between selling your home, and not selling your home. When you think about it like that, it’s pretty important you get them right.
If photography isn’t your thing, you can always hire a professional, however before doing this why not have a look online for some useful tips and tricks you can use? It can’t hurt to give it a go. As long as they’re well lit, high quality, and show your home to the best it can look, then you’ve got nothing to lose.
Look into Premium Listings
Now these are a little more expensive, but if you fork out for a premium listing it could help you to sell your home quicker.
Premium listings will get your home in front of as many people as possible, and will also potentially make it stand out from the rest. No matter when or where you’re choosing to sell, remember that there’s bound to be competition, therefore setting your property apart from the rest by giving it a premium listing, you could be a lot more likely to gain viewings over those properties who aren’t listed as so.
Make Sure the Reality Matches Up to the Images
Last but certainly not least, once you’ve got the perfect listing and your photographs are picture perfect, make sure that when it comes to the real life viewings, your house looks just as nice. The last thing you want to do is disappoint people who’ve decided to come and have a look round – so prepare accordingly! Make sure everything is clean and tidy, and that the lighting is good. Although the online listing is important in the initial stages, this bit really is the make or break. So make it!
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