What is FinCon?
FinCon12, is the biggest and the most prestigious conference for online personal finance communities. It gives its attendees a splendid opportunity to network, share knowledge and exchange views on finances and economy. The aim of the conference is twofold, namely to provide a “real world” communication platform for people whose interaction usually takes place via blogs and social media, and to enable the participants to acquire knowledge concerning finance and new media.
The Third Annual Plutus Awards ceremony will take place during the conference. Congratulations to this year's finalists!
EasyFinance.com compiled a list of top bloggers who are attending FinCon12, so you know who you should talk to when you are finally there:
1. @ramit – Ramit Sethi: Author of the New York Times bestseller, I Will Teach You To Be Rich. Specialty in persuasion and behavioral change. Formerly co-founded PBwiki.
2. @jdroth – J.D. Roth: A middle-aged geek who loves books, comics, and writing. Founder of getrichslowly.org.
3. @bargainr – Jim Wang: “Join me for a dose of fun, personal finance, and interestingness.”
4. @moneycrashers – Andrew Schrage and Gyutae Park: Your guide to financial fitness - personal finance tips.
5. @flexo – Luke Landes: Founder of Consumerism Commentary. Personal finance writer and speaker.
6. @ManVsDebt – Adam Baker: Joan Otto (Man Vs. Debt community manager) tweets about debt, clutter and passion.
7. @MoneyNing – David Ning: Personal finance blogger helping individuals reach their retirement and financial freedom goals.
8. @BudgetsAreSexy – J. Money: Financial nerd and beer drinker. Need help w/ anything?
9. @JeremyVoh – Jeremy Vohwinkle: Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor, writer and blogger about all things money. Helping millions improve their finances one day at a time.
10. @MoneyUnder30 – David Weliever: Simple, honest financial advice for starting out.
11. @michaelrpiper – Mike Piper: “I write books. They're like cliffsnotes for personal finance. I'm also a Missouri licensed CPA.”
12. @ChristianPF – Bob Lotich: Articles about getting out of debt, budgeting, earning more and giving from a Christian perspective.
13. @jjeffrose – Jeff Rose: Jesus & family lover, financial planner, Iraqi Combat Veteran. Author of a book: Soldier of Finance, In-N-Out Burger addict, Crossfitter, #takeaction financial expert.
14. @ptmoney – Philip PT Taylor: Creator of PT Money: Personal Finance. Founder of FinCon. #FinCon12
15. @jimyih – Jim Yih: 20 year veteran of the financial industry. “I tweet and retweet great stuff on retirement, personal finance, investing, & money. I'll filter through the web 4U.”
16. @ryanguina – Ryan Guina: financial writer and veteran blogging at http://cashmoneylife.com and http://themilitarywallet.com with a focus on money management & benefits.
17. @mrmoneymustache: Mr. Money Mustache is a thirtysomething retiree who now writes about how we can all lead a frugal yet Badass life of leisure.
18. @CanadianFinance – Tom Drake: Canadian Finance Blog. The Canadian Source For Personal Finance.
19. @centsiblelife – Kelly Whalen: Money & Mom blogger @ The Centsible Life, co-founder @justcentsible & principal @splash_creative. Mom of 4, DIY destructo, gluten-free, caffeinated.
20. @MoneySmart: Ben Edwards, a programmer by day and a money blogger by night, will cover membership site software at FINCON.
21. @murraynewlands – Murray Newlands: Scrawler & vlogger.
22. @pffirewall – Jesse Michelsen: Developer, serial entrepreneur and Co-founder of Manteresting.com.
23. @nealfrankle - Neal Frankle: Author/Speaker helping others eliminate financial stress from their lives.
24. @MoneySmartsBlog - Mike Holman: Smart Ideas for your money.
25. @oXYGenFinancial: Start Making YOUR SMART MONEY MOVES right now
26. @ChrisCamillo – Chris Camillo: "Laughing at Wall Street" Author & top ranked self-directed investor.
27. @thriftyandfit – Kristen: I am actively seeking a healthier, debt-free life and help others do the same.
28. @onemoneydesign – Jason Price: Husband, dad, soccer fan and blogger on the journey to true financial freedom.
29. @alexmbt – Alex Matjanec: We strive to inform and entertain. We exist for the consumer and helping them make smarter banking and money decisions.
30. @jj_usaa – J. J. Montanaro: USAA Financial Planner.
31. @Dull_Investing – Allan Roth: Write Investing columns for Money Magazine and CBS. MoneyWatch.com. “If the investment is emotionally appealing, it's probably bad for you.”
32. @TheFamilyCEO – Julie Mayfield: “I'm making my family's finances my business and creating a life I love at http://TheFamilyCEOBlog.com.”
33. @lynntruong – Lynn Truong: “I looked up the corporate ladder and decided to get to the top another way. This is my journey there.”
34. @va_deb – Deb Silverberg: Talk money, finance, work, employment, careers, retirement & @aarpmoney. In SocMed at AARP. #Yammer a lot. Views = my own…incl dog rescue, NASCAR, misc fun.
35. @andthenshesaved – Anna Newell Jones: “saving where i can, so i can spend where i want. financial freedom found via a spending fast. personal finance writer.”
36. @SuzanneCramer1 – Suzanne Cramer: Divorced mom. Certified Personal Finance Counselor, Social Media Specialist. Follow my journey & share yours.
37. @DLFreedman – Donna Freedman: Donna writes the Frugal Cool blog for MSN Money, is a staff writer at Get Rich Slowly
38. @CreditCardForum – CreditCardForum: The consumer forum for all things credit card.
39. @JesseMecham – Jesse Mecham: Financial Physician, Father, Founder of YouNeedABudget.com
40. @TheFinanceBuff – Harry Sit: Personal finance blogger.
41. @alltuition – Alltuition: “we make paying for college simpler.”
42. @taxtweet – Kay Bell: “Talky Texan always ready to talk taxes”
43. @AndreaWhitmer – Andrea Whitmer: Overlord and Web Designer at Nuts and Bolts Media.
44. @MMarquit – MMarquit: Planting Money Seeds focuses on growing wealth. From ordering your finances, to basic investing, to earning money from home, learn more about using money as a means to reach your life goals.
45. @Elle_CM – Elle: “Mom, Wife, & Editor/Owner of Couple Money and My Financial Reviews where I write about personal finances. Contributing Blogger at TurboTax and Go Banking Rates.”
46. @wisdomjournal – The Wisdom Journal: Writer covering wise choices, improving your finances, career and job issues, and building a better life.
47. @CarrieRocha – Carrie Rocha: Teaching middle America to live within their means so they can get out & stay out of debt. Plus, a lover of social media, marketing & business journals.
48. @Financialmentor – Todd Tresidder: Retired hedge fund manager turned money coach and financial blogger at http://financialmentor.com. Loves the outdoor lifestyle, family, and endurance sports.
49. @collegecents – Ashley Jacobs: Wise Bread's community coordinator, links editor, and social media editor (tweeting @wisebread)
50. @FinancialBlogr - The Financial Blogger: Making 6 figure income, Working 4 days a week!
51. @peterdserrano – Peter D Serrano III: Husband, Entrepreneur, Investor, Chef, Fine Dining, Great Wine
52. @CarolinaRains – Julie Rains: Writer/Blogger - Business, Leadership, Life Hacks; Co-Author of 10,001 Ways To Live Large on a Small Budget.
53. @KyleAAA – KyleAAA: Putting the 'P' in personal finance since 1763
54. @AdamPiplica – Adam Piplica: Writer, singer, investor and adventurer. Founder of MagicalPenny.com
Why attend?
FinCon12 offers a splendid opportunity to meet financial enthusiasts, bloggers and specialists. FinCon12 means inspiring talks, reliable information, interesting people, social activities and so much more. See you there!
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