Think you have bed bugs? Put down that can of bug spray, or the bug bomb, right now and walk away. You may be able to get rid of insects like roaches with some spray, but forget about them when it comes to eliminating bed bugs.
Such over-the-counter products don’t work with bed bugs due to the nature of the insect. Some bugs can be killed with a can of spray because they are out in the open. But bed bugs hide in cracks and crevices. In addition, they are normally only out and about in the middle of the night. All using a spray or a bug bomb may do is make them scatter around and hide further.
In addition, some of the chemicals from over-the-counter products used to kill bed bugs can be hazardous – to humans – with the potential to harm people and even to cause a fire in the person’s home. More than one fire has been caused by bed bug sprays and bug bombs.
How bed bugs heat treatment works
So what is a better solution? Bed bugs heat treatment. It is not just an environmentally friendly method, but it is an effective one. This is done only by a trained professional, and it requires heating up an affected area to kill the bed bugs at all stages of life – eggs, larvae, and adult bed bugs. Generally speaking, bed bug heat treatment works this way – hot air is pumped into a room to bring the affected room’s temperature up to 122 degrees. That temperature over a few hours should be enough to kill the bed bugs. Of course, this needs to be done by a trained bed bug professional, after the pest control expert determines if you have bed bugs. You cannot simply heat up your own home at a high heat to try to kill the bed bugs.
How does bed bugs heat treatment work? There are a variety of ways to heat up the affect areas to kill the bed bugs. Some companies, like Bed Bug Finders LLC, use a bed bugs heat treatment system called Heatreat. The way their system works is that an unmarked truck shows up at your affected home or business discreetly – the truck does not say anything about bed bugs on it, so that you don’t have to worry about bed bugs. The truck uses environmentally safe bio fuel to heat up the air, and has a built-in chimney in the truck to ventilate it.
The hot air comes from a hose attached to the truck and brought into the home or business via a window or door. The air heats up the affected area, like beds and bedding. A few hours later, the bugs are dead, without having to use harsh chemicals.
How to find a bed bugs heat treatment expert
Make sure that you find a bed bug heat treatment pest control professional who is IBBMA-certified. That means that the company has passed the strictest testing criteria and standards in the pest control industry. Good luck with getting rid of the bed bugs – before you know it, you should be sleeping soundly again. Click here to find more information on bed bug professionals.
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