If you like to dabble in the stock market and use an Android device, then you will most certainly be interested in knowing what are some of the best free Android Stock Market apps. These tools will let you access your information, as well as manage your accounts and do other essential functions.
Here are a few to get you started:
1. Stock Alert
Created by Pocketools.com, the Android application Stock Alert sends an alert right to your Android device when the stocks that you own get to the prices that you desire. It also will transmit information on commodities and currencies. This helps users to stay in touch with all of their information.
2. Wikinvest Portfolio
Wikinvest Portfolio links right to an investor’s portfolio at over 60 online brokers, some of which includes Charles Schwab, Ameritrade, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. Being able to keep track of your portfolio on so many different brokers will help you to have a better leverage of your stock buying activities.
3. PFinance
Developed by BiShiNews, the pFinance application manages an investor’s stock expenses and helps them to locate the latest hot deal. In addition, it features calculators to help you with information on loans and interest payments. With this application you will never be in a situation where you add up your stock purchases on the go. It was rated four and a half stars out of five by most users.
4. Stock Quote
Also developed by BiShiNews, this fantastic free application tracks the stocks, currencies, markets, and commodities in real time. It also provides access to news about stocks and related items. With access to the latest breaking stories, you will be able to logically choose the right times to buy or sell your stock products.
5. Finance
Developed by Google, this application streams stock quotes in real time and provides a constant source of current information. It also can sync with Google Finance and is rated five out of five stars by more than 10,000 users. Knowing where you stand in the financial department is crucial in deciding what to invent in and how much of your income to use to do the investing.
This application is great for beginners because it provides access to financial news and you don’t need a Fidelity account to use it. The coverage comes from CNN Money, Market Watch, Reuters, and The Street.com. Having access to all of this valuable news sources will make you have all the confidence you need to do well in the stock market game.
TDAmeritrade Mobile
This is a brokerage application that lets users follow the market and buy and sell their stocks quickly and easily. It’s full of many valuable tools for making trades if you have a TDAmeritrade account.
All in all, having these free applications on your mobile device will help investors to have the confidence and quick action they need to do well with their stocks and other market items.
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