Coupons, voucher codes, discount codes, whatever you call them are used by you to help you save money. The problem is the companies use them to get you to spend more money, often without really thinking about it. To make sure your finances remain in order, here are some simple tips to follow before deciding to use a coupon.
1. Are you using it for the sake of it?
Many times when you get a voucher code, you want to use it to save some money. The problem is you don’t always need to use it. Check the date of expiry and consider whether it you just want to use it because it is available. What store is it for? Would you usually buy the items sold? Do you really need it right now? These are all questions that should be running through your head.
2. Make sure you don’t spend more money than you need
If you have a coupon and you were going to that store anyway, it makes sense to take it with you. However, before you use it, make sure you really will save money. Is it asking you to spend a certain amount to save money? Do you really need to spend that money for your original shopping trip? If the answer to the second question is no, it’s possible that you are spending money for the sake of using the voucher. The only time this makes sense is if you will need something in the future that isn’t perishable.
3. Check the terms and conditions
This is where you find out if you have to spend extra money. For example, you may have a voucher for an amount in a store but the terms and conditions state that you have to spend a certain amount before it becomes valid. Would you usually buy that item or do you really need to shop in that store? It may be available for less somewhere else. The terms and conditions are full of information that suits the company so read before you use.
4. Using before the expiry date
Before you decide on using the code, check the expiry date. The last thing you want to do is go shopping only to find that you can’t use the code. However, you should also be aware of that date – it could make you spend before you need to. This is especially important with perishable goods. Check the date on the code and the date on the goods to make sure both work in your favour.
Avoid using coupon codes and discounts because they are there. This is how the companies convince you to spend more money than you really need to. Instead, focus on whether you really need the product and to spend that amount of money. If you don’t, using the code will end up harming your finances even more.
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