Risk Free Offer Details

How does the FREE Trial period work?

You may cancel your account within your free trial period without any obligation or cost to you. To cancel your Membership at any time, log in to your account, select Account and then Close Account. Follow the cancellation of account procedures.

During your free trial period you will get access to your Smart Credit Report, Smart Action Button, 24/7 Credit and Identity Protection, Smart Alerts and Apps Center at no charge or obligation to you. You may take at least one Smart Action during your free-trial period. In some cases, our apps may require a fee during your free trial period, should you choose to accept it.

How does the 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, Refund Policy and Cancellation Policy work?

Canceling an account after your free trial period will immediately cease any additional charges. After your free trial, you agree to pay any accumulated, unbilled charges through the date of your cancellation, at the time of your cancellation. A refund of your 1st transaction is only eligible if you cancel your account and request a refund with our customer service no later than 30 days after becoming a Member. You will not be eligible for any additional refunds. Any partial refund does not automatically waive any further balance owed. You may reactivate your account at any time.

Upon cancellation (or failed payment), you will lose access to the areas of the service designated for Members only and lose access to your data and other benefits. This could include any credit data and analysis that may have been displayed during your Membership.

Welcome Notices:

A welcome confirmation email will be sent to you immediately upon completing your membership sign up. 
Please allow do-not-reply@e.smartcredit.com to be received in to your eMail in-box.

Please see additional details in the Membership Terms & Conditions.

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