Many people can find tax help through community colleges that offer tax preparation services often at a reduced rate. These services are available to lower-income and middle-income families. Sometimes families in these lower- to middle-income brackets are able to receive their tax preparation services free of charge. Colorado is one of the states that offers this type of program to families that qualify. In 2011 alone, they helped about 6,500 taxpayers receive refunds in excess of 12 million.
One organization in Colorado helps organizations that want to provide free tax preparation services in securing the computer equipment needed for filing tax returns by Internet. They also find and train volunteers to prepare these tax returns. Colorado has some 16 community colleges which have about 30 campuses across the state preparing tax returns for free for low-income families in the state.
In the state of Kansas, tax help is given in the form of a five-year amnesty for state income taxes. The state of Kansas hopes that this amnesty program will especially help families in rural areas.
People can also receive tax help from certified public accountants and financial planners who can offer them advice on how making certain investments can lower their tax burden. If you have your tax return prepared by a certified public accountant and find yourself being audited by the Internal Revenue Service some months later, your accountant should make himself available for any tax help you might require. He or she should be able to answer any questions the IRS may have about how your tax return was filled out and resolve your problems fairly quickly
Everyone is afraid when they hear they will be audited by the IRS but having the backup of an accountant will make the process go much more smoothly.
Often, people can access tax help at income tax time through local malls or libraries where trained volunteers are available to assist with preparing simple tax returns. If your tax return is more complex, you will probably want to secure the services of a licensed tax preparer for your tax help. Seeking income tax help from a trained person is always the best path to take.
Professional business help is available from accountants who specialize in the preparation of business tax returns. These can be quite complex and it is always best to seek the assistance of a trained professional who will know all the ins and outs of the most up-to-date tax laws. They will be able to figure out the most tax deductions for you and save you money in terms of how much you will have to pay to the government.
Someone who contemplating starting up a new business should always seek the help of a professional accountant as one of their first courses of business to make sure that things get off on the right foot and they know what kinds of expenses can be claimed as tax deductions and what can not. The money spent on paying your accountant's fees will be recouped in the money you save in taxes paid to the government.