The Advantages To Having Low Interest Credit Cards
People who carry a balance on their credit cards will always want to have low interest credit cards whenever possible. If you maintain a monthly balance on your credit card you will always be charged interest on it.
Many times, people find themselves in the unpleasant situation of paying more interest each month than principle toward their credit card balance. That stings after a while. If you are able to find low interest credit cards you will be able to significantly increase the amount of money that is put toward your principle debt each month when you make your payment. This means that you will be able to pay your credit card balance off more quickly.
Of course, the secret to having a credit card is using it wisely and making sure that you never allow a balance to accrue on your account. This means that you have to be very diligent when it comes to putting a charge on your account and make sure that you never charge more than you know you can pay off at the end of the month. People get themselves into trouble using credit cards when they use them for daily expenses.
Charging things like baby diapers and gasoline can cause your balance to skyrocket before you even know it. Credit cards really should only be used in emergencies. Even if you have low interest credit cards, if you can not make your monthly payments it will not help you. Your interest will continue to compound and before you know it, you will have a massive debt that you will never be able to pay off.
If you have low interest credit cards you will be able to make good headway when it comes to reducing your principle because the money you pay on your bill will be put toward your overall debt instead of to the interest you are being charged.
Many credit card companies offer introductory rates of a 0% interest rate. This can be a great deal especially if you are able to do a balance transfer from a high interest credit card to the 0% interest credit card.
If you make your payments on time and pay more than the minimum balance this will be a good way to ensure that your interest rate remains low. Missing even one payment can make your interest rate rise by as much as 3% a month.
Low interest credit cards are very popular with everyone because they allow the card holder to save a significant amount of money over both the short-term and the long-term.
Be sure you explore completely all the incentives being offered by any credit card company that is offering low interest credit cards. Find out what might cause your interest rate to be raised and then be very careful not to violate those terms or you will soon see your low interest rates evaporate.
There are many credit card companies that claim to be offering low interest credit cards but it is important to red the fine print of their contracts to make sure you will be getting what you think you are signing up to receive.